Section C
- obsess
v. 使着迷;使心神不宁;挂牵,念念不忘
- obsessive
adj. 着迷的,迷恋的;缠住不放的,萦绕心头的;易受困扰的,易着迷的
n. 强迫症患者,着迷的人
- obsessively
adv. 过分地;着迷地,着魔似地
- obsession
n. 痴迷,困扰;令人着迷的人(或事物)
2,s cru ti nize /ˈskruːtənaɪz/
v. 仔细查看,细致审查
- cons train /kənˈstreɪn/
v. 限制,约束;强迫,迫使
- constrained
adj. 不自然的;强迫的;过于受约束的,拘泥的
v. 驱使;强迫(constrain 的过去式和过去分词)
- unconstrained
adj. 不勉强的;非强迫的;不受约束的
4,We seem to take it for granted that advertisers and marketers are allowed to condition even the youngest children.
- take it for granted that : 认为……是理所当然的:不怀疑或不考虑某事物的存在或真实性。
5,Before children have even developed a proper sense of their own identity,or learned to handle money, they’re encouraged to associate status and self-worth with stuff, and to look to external things such as fame and wealth for validation.
- validation n. 验证;确认,批准,生效;肯定,认可
v. 爬行,匍匐;蹑手蹑脚地移动;不知不觉地到来,渐渐出现;蔓生,蔓延;谄媚奉承,巴结;(由于恐惧、厌恶等)起鸡皮疙瘩
n. 讨厌的人,献媚者;(树篱或墙壁上供动物通过的)墙洞;给幼畜断奶时吃的固体食物;爬行,缓慢行进;<非正式>毛骨悚然的感觉,战栗
过去式 :crept 或 creeped
7,pester vt. 纠缠,烦扰
Stop pestering me. 别再纠缠我了。
8,cradle n. 摇篮
crade-to-grave, means lifelong
9,as saul t /əˈsɔːlt/
10,work hand in glove with 与……密切合作:与某人或某组织密切合作,共同完成某项任务或达成某个目标
11,pos sess ion
n. <正式> 拥有,持有;个人财产,所有物;持有违禁物,私藏毒品(或武器);(对球的)控制,球权;进攻;领地,殖民地;鬼魂附体,着魔;(观点或情感的)支配,控制
12,inform v. 通知,告知
- inform … about … 通知……关于…
13,adulthood n. 成年,成人时期
14,carve out 创造:通过刻苦努力或仿佛切割一样创造(声誉、机会、角色、职位、事业、胜利)等。
15,manipulation n. 操纵
16,There’ll be those who argue that would be a breach of freedom of speech and infringe the rights of corporations to brainwash little children into demanding their products.
breach /briːtʃ/ n/v. 违反,破坏;
freedom of speech : 言论自由
in f rin ge /ɪnˈfrɪndʒ/ v. 违反,违背(法律、规则等);侵犯(权益)
corporation n. 社团,公司,法人(团体);市政当局
17, Those who look to fame and wealth for external and ultimate validation .
18,esteem n/v. 尊重,敬重
Section D
Many oppose workplace surveillance, because of the inherent dehumanizing effect it has and the relentless pressure it brings.
sur veil lance /sɜːrˈveɪləns/ n. 监视,监察
inherent /ɪnˈherənt/ adj. 内在的,固有的;
de hu ma ni zing /ˌdiːˈhjuːmənaɪzɪŋ/ 使人丧失人性的,使人变得不像人的:使人失去尊严、自尊或人性的特质。
relent v. 变宽容,变温和;终于同意,不再反对;(天气)转晴,缓和,转好;<旧>使变温和,减轻
relentless /rɪˈlentləs/ adj . 坚韧的,不屈不挠的;残酷无情的,不留情面的;不停的,不间断的
But it’s on the rise around the world as firms look to become more efficiently squeezing more productivity from their workers. More than half of companies with over $750m in annual revenue used “non-traditional” monitoring techniques on staff last year.
s qu eeze n/v. 挤压,捏;挤出,榨出(液体等);
pro duc tivity n. 生产力
re ve nue n. (企业、组织的)收入,收益;(政府的)税收;税务局,
v. 使精疲力尽;耗尽;详尽讨论;排放,排出(气体,蒸汽)
n. 废气;排气管,排气装置
exhaust pipe 排气管
exhaust system 排气系统
exhaust fan 排气扇
4,As long as such schemes are voluntary, there will probably be a growing number of convenience-oriented uses so that a substantial number of workers would opt to have a chip inserted. But if implanted chips are use to reduce slack time or rest breaks, that could prove to be detrimental. And if surveillance tools take away autonomy, that’s when they prove most unpopular. A lot depends on how such monitoring initiatives are communicated and this could prevent possible revolts being staged.
vo lun tary /ˈvɑːlənteri/ adj. 自愿的
opt to 选择做某事:选择或决定做某事
implant v. (尤指医学)植入,移植;灌输(观点或态度);
slack adj. 不紧的,松弛的 v. 懈怠,偷懒
slack time 闲暇时间:指在工作或学习之余的空闲时间,通常用于休息或娱乐。
rest breaks 休息时间:指工作或学习中的短暂休息时间,以便恢复精力和注意力。
detrimental adj. 有害的,不利的 | n. 有害的人(或物)
initiative n. 措施,倡议;主动性,积极性;
revolt /rɪˈvoʊlt/ n/v.(对权威、规定、法律的)反抗,违抗;叛乱,造反
revolts being staged 正在策划的叛乱
近年来,中国城市加快发展,城市人居环境得到显著改善。 许多城市努力探索中国特色的城市高质量发展之路,城市功能不断完善,治理水平明显提高。中国持续开展城市生态修复和功能修补,全面实施城镇老旧小区改造,大力推进城市园林绿化,消除污染;同时大力推进城市基础设施体系化建设,开展房屋建筑和市政设施普查以及安全隐患排查整治,努力为市民创造高品质的生活环境,让城市更美丽、更安全、更宜居。
In recent years, China’s cities have accelerated development and the urban living environment has been observably improved. Many cities have made great efforts to explore the road of high-quality urban development with Chinese characteristics, and their urban functions have been continuously improved and the level of governance has been significantly improved.China continues to carry out urban ecological restoration and functional repair, fully implement the renovation of old urban neighborhoods, and powerfully promote urban landscaping to eradicate pollution. Meanwhile, we will powerfully improve the systematic building of urban infrastructure and carry out the survey of housing construction and municipal facilities as well as the investigation and amendment of security risks, and strive to create a high-quality living environment for citizens, so that the city is more beautiful, safer and more livable.
中国特色 :Chinese cha ra cte ris tic
con tin nu ous
governance /ˈɡʌvərnəns/ n. 统治方式,管理方法
renovation /ˌrenəˈveɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 翻新,整修
eradicate /ɪˈrædɪkeɪt/ v. 根除,消灭
systematic building of urban infrastructure 城市基础设施系统建设
sys te matic /ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk/ adj. 有系统的,有条理的,仔细周到的;一贯的,惯常的;分类的
infrastructure /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃər/ n. 基础设施,基础建设
mu ni ci pal /mjuːˈnɪsɪp(ə)l/ adj. 城市的,市政的;自治城市的,地方自治的;内政的
municipal facility 市政设施
town hall 市政厅;市政府;
investigate v. 侦察(某事);调查(某人);研究
investigation /ɪnˌvestɪˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 调查,审查;
amendment n. 修正,修订之处;美国宪法修正案(Amendment);(土壤结构或肥力的)改善;(对文件或计划的)修改
investigation and amendment of security risks 安全隐患排查整治
strive to 尽力做某事:努力尝试做某事,尤其是在长时间或困难的情况下。
livable /ˈlɪvəbl/ adj. 适于居住的;生活过得有价值的;宜居的;