The First Essay
1,When the fault occurs in the electric power net, they need to make out accurate judge fleetly and present corresponding measure so as to renew the system’s normal run in time.
accurate judge 准确的判断
so as to 为了达到某个目的或结果而采取的行动或决定
(renew 改成 restore 更好)
(accurate judge: 应为 accurate judgment )
(present corresponding measure: 更地道的表达是 take corresponding measures。)
2,You might not know yourself as well as you think. According to a new study, people are relatively accurate judges of only some of their behaviors.
3,probe n/v. 调查,研究,探测 n. 探针
space probe 空间探测器
Atom /ˈætəm/ n. 原子
atomic /əˈtɒmɪk/ adj. 原子的,与原子有关的;原子能的,核能的
Atom Probe 原子探针
AI 补充:
- probe into: 深入探讨(某事)。
- 例句:The journalist probed into the political scandal.
- scandal :丑闻 ; journalist 记者 /ˈdʒɜːnəlɪst/
- medical probe: 医用探针。
- lunar probe: 月球探测器。
4,automatic adj. 自动的
5,Six laboratory assistants rated each participant’s audio clips to see how their observations compared with people’s assessment of themselves.
clip n. 夹子,别针 ; (影视、电视节目、音频)片段
paper clip : 纸夹
as sess ment n. 评估,评价
6,The weak agreement between how participants thought they were acting and what observers heard could be because people would rather deny rude behavior
- would rather 宁愿,宁可:表示更愿意或更倾向于做某事或选择某事物。或者说认为是倾向于的意思,不要死脑筋。
参与者对自己行为的看法与观察者听到的声音之间的微弱一致性,可能是因为人们倾向于否认自己粗鲁的行为。(gpt 润色)
Some of this discrepancy could be because the observers used only audio clips,and thus could not read cues like body language,but there are probably other explanations, as people should be able to hear when a participant is being kind versus being rude
- dis cre pan cy /dɪˈskrepənsi/ n. 差异,不符
- cue n. 暗示,提示;
- versus prep. (比赛或诉讼中)以……为对手,与……竞争;与……相对,与……相比 (理解为 or 把。)
sa tu rate /ˈsætʃəreɪt/
( technical 术语)to make sth completely wet使湿透;浸透
The continuous rain had saturated the soil.连绵不断的雨把土地淋了个透。
con tin u ous /kənˈtɪnjuəs/
The Second Essay
1,Tiny college focus on educating students to become well-rounded citizens instead of seeking their own expansion.
- well-rounded /ˌwel ˈraʊndɪd/ adj. 丰满的;面面俱到的;多才多艺的;(语句)有表达力的
2,rigorous /ˈrɪɡərəs/ adj. (测试、系统或程序)严密的,缜密的;(规则,制度等)严格的,苛刻的;
a rigorous analysis 细致的分析
The work failed to meet their rigirous standards. 工作没有达到他们的严格标准。
3,essence /ˈes(ə)ns/ n. 本质,精髓
The Third Essay
1,processed foods 加工食品:指经过工业化加工的食品。
pre-made food 预制菜
2,hook /hʊk/
curved /kɜːrvd/ 弯曲的
a curved piece of metal, plastic or wire for hanging things on, catching fish with, etc.钩;钓钩;挂钩;鱼钩
a picture hook 挂图钩
a curtain hook 窗帘
a coat hook 挂衣钩 (coat 外套,大衣)
a fish hook 鱼钩
Hang your towel on the hook .把你的毛巾挂在钩上。 /ˈtaʊəl/
off the hook [口] 摆脱困境;脱身
on the hook 陷入圈套;拖延(也不一定,看语境了)
v. /kreɪv/
to have a very strong desire for sth
to have a very strong desire for sth 渴望;热望 (SYN long for)
She has always craved excitement.她总渴望刺激。( BrE old use) to ask for sth seriously 恳求;请求
I must crave your pardon.我必须恳求您原谅。
The Fourth Essay
1,pos·sess /pəˈzes/
v. <正式> 拥有,持有;具有(品质或能力
- They pos·sess the most outstanding ability to think.
pos sess ion n. <正式> 拥有,持有;个人财产,所有物;
2,conform /kənˈfɔːrm/
v. 遵守,符合;顺从,随潮流;一致,相吻合
- con form ity
n. 遵守,依照;随大流,循规蹈矩;符合,一致
- non·conformity
n. 不一致;不信奉国教;不墨守成规
3,capi ta lize
v. /ˈkæpɪtəlaɪz/
to write or print a letter of the alphabet as a capital; to begin a word with a capital letter 用大写字母书写(或印刷);把…首字母大写
( business 商)to sell possessions in order to change them into money 变卖资产;变现
[ usually passive]( business 商)to provide a company etc. with the money it needs to function 为…提供运营资本(或资金)
capitalize on 利用 ; 使用
4,evil spirit 恶魔;妖精
speak evil of 说坏话;诽谤
do evil 作恶;为非作歹;干坏事;造孽
Following the speedy development of China’s economy and the steady improvement of people’s living standards, urban residents have growingly increasingly higher requirements for the environment and quality of life. Local governments in China are paying more attention to the construction and promotion of public facilities to better meet people’s needs. By building new squares, parks, and public green spaces or reforming existing public areas, many cities provide residents with more recreational and social spaces. Today, government-funded fitness equipment and paved fitness trails can be seen everywhere in many cities, which has observably improved the conditions of outdoor activities for citizens and made the city more beautiful.
reform n/v 改革,革新
ob ser va b ly /əbˈzɜːrvəbli/ adv. 显著地;醒目地
Increasingly 例句:The problem is becoming increasingly difficult to solve.
The Importance of Friendly Discussion and Reasonable Argument
When faced with differing opinions, we should try to reach agreement through friendly discussion and reasonable argument. Friendly discussions and reasonable arguments are beneficial in many ways.
First of all, friendly discussions and reasonable arguments can increase our knowledge. When we approach conversations with an open mind, we can broaden our horizons and learn from different perspectives, even if we end up disagreeing with them. Secondly, friendly discussions and reasonable arguments can help us respect each other. When we acknowledge the validity of others’ opinions and avoid personal attacks, we can show that we value the person behind the opinions. Thirdly, friendly discussions and reasonable arguments are conducive to mutual understanding. When we express our views clearly and courteously, we can reduce misunderstanding and hostility, and respond calmly and rationally to objections,which helps build consensus and maintain constructive dialogue.
However, reaching agreement through dialogue is not always easy. By following a few strategies, such as active listening, acknowledging consensus, providing evidence, and yielding when appropriate, we can have a more productive and civil debate.
validity /vəˈlɪdəti/ n. (法律上的)有效,合法,认可
con du cive /kənˈduːsɪv/ adj. 有助的,有益的
cour te ous ly /ˈkɜːrtiəsli/ adv. 有礼貌地,亲切地
hos ti li ty /hɒˈstɪləti/ n. 敌意,对抗
ra tio nal ly /ˈræʃnəli/ adv. 理性地;讲道理地
objection /əbˈdʒekʃ(ə)n/ n. 反对的理由;反对,异议
con sen sus /kənˈsensəs/ n. 一致看法,共识
dialog n. 对话,会话 ; dialogue n. 对话,对白,交换意见
maintain cons·truc·tive dialogue 保持建设性对话
civil debate 文明辩论:指在辩论过程中保持礼貌和尊重,不使用攻击性言辞的辩论形式。
ap pro p riate /əˈproʊpriət/ adj. 合适的
yield /jiːld/ 屈服,退让